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Vendor App and Info

Curated Collective is a pop up market featuring local Santa Barbara creators, makers, crafters, and artisan vendors. We value authentic, creative, dedicated and mindful purveyors who believe in creating a community that thrives on each other's successes. We do our best to plan and execute a successful market by paid advertising on social media, creating events on local websites including the Independent, Noozhawk, Edhat, Nextdoor, etc., and printing flyers to share. 


Here's how to be a vendor in 2025:

1.  Fill out a vendor application for each month you're interested in, below - this includes returning vendors.

2.  Make sure your Instagram features product photos – it's a requirement!
3.  Wait for an email confirmation with payment details.
4.  Respond to the email and submit your vendor payment via Square invoice by the due date – another requirement.


**We highly recommend that you visit our market ahead of time to get an understanding of the layout and vibe. If accepted you will receive a confirmation email. We jury each market individually based on the applicants we receive. We receive more applications than we can accept. Please don’t be offended if you are not accepted, this is definitely the hardest part for us. Some categories are more competitive than others. We aim to curate each market to have a variety of vendors and not overlap in too many of the same categories.


If you haven't heard back, don't be discouraged! Due to limited space and our commitment to minimal category overlap, we curate our market for the success of all vendors. Keep applying! 


Returning Vendors: Please know that while we would love to have each of you every time, to truly be a curated market, we need to be able to add in new vendors to the mix. Please don't be offended if you are not selected. 

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